Snakes in Pet Stores: Myths and more

Some people think snakes are slimy, gross and the spawn of Satin, that is so not true. Snakes are one of the most interesting animals and definitely one of the best pets! Some pet store employees do not care for the snakes because they think of the them as 'nasty creatures only good for eating mice' or they go with the popular and say that snakes are juts 'bad.' But snakes are so much more and deserve so much more than they get. This article has some of the common myths about keeping snakes and common problems with snakes in pet stores and how to treat them.

Keeping Snakes in Stores: Myths

Snakes are often caged in small and dirty cages in pet stores, but why? The pet store employees are afraid, or just don't care about the snakes, or they are misinformed, really misinformed. Here are some things that I often see in pet stores or hear from a pet store employee and I am going to dispel them

Snakes don't need clean cages as they are immune to bacterial diseases.

I don't know where this came from but it is so very wrong. Snakes cannot be housed in dirty cages or they will get very sick and die. Parasites will lay their eggs in the feces of snakes and spread to the snakes. The dirty cage will get onto the snake then transfer to the human making both animals sick from various things. As soon as the animal releases its garbage, a human should put on gloves and take OUT the feces, throwing in the trash. The cage does not need to be cleaned fully, just have the 'dirty stuff' taken out. The subtrate does need to be changed at least once a month or as needed.

Snakes can go without eating for a month or two, just while they are waiting to be sold.

This will make the snake sick or anorexic. Not eating just generally isn't good. Yes, a snake CAN go that long without eating but should eat weekly or daily, depending on the species. 

Fresh water is not needed because the snakes drink only after eating.

Snakes drink quite often actually, usually a couple times a day. So the snakes need fresh water EVERY SINGLE DAY! They soak in it often, so the water bowl will need to be big enough for the snake to curl up in.

Snakes don't care if they are housed together.

Yes, snakes do care. Snakes of any kind are usually not social and prefer to be alone. I understand that when you have a limited amount of room and cages that snakes are housed together, but I really don't recommend it. If you have the room try to separate the snakes.

Common Pet Store Problems with Snakes.

I have seen many snakes die from being mistreated. Here are some of the things I've seen and how they can be treated.

Parasites: Ticks and Mites

Commonly seen with imported snakes of any kind. Small ticks and mites come in with the snakes then spread and eventually kill the snakes if not treated. The best thing to do is in one day clean all the cage VERY THOROUGHLY!  Give every snake a warm bath then with tweezers remove any parasites you can find. Then spray the animals with any sort of Parasite product. MAKE SURE YOU READ THE DIRECTIONS! Then put the snakes back in the clean cage. The next day repeat the process, skip the next day and do it again. By now you've disrupted the parasites nicely. Now wait a week and repeat the process. By now the snakes should be parasite free! If not go to a drug store and get the product NIX (used for lice) and gently rub a SMALL amount all over the snake, avoiding the mouth. then spray some in the cage. Do this about once a week and all should be well. This can get confusing and can hurt the snake, if you need more help please email me!

Lethargy in ball pythons. (not active)

This is sad....the temperature is either so hot or so cold that the snakes just want to sleep and do nothing else but sleep or medical problems are current such as respiratory problems but MOST likely its stress, too much handling or no hiding place. If the temp is not changed the snake can die, it will not be able to digest right and the muscles can become lame from inactivity. If it is a medical problem it should go right to a vet. And stress...usually caused by no hiding place (a MUST for any snake) or too much handling. Stress is simply solved, get a hide box and cut down on the handling!

A very bad shed, skin shedding in pieces.

Not enough humidity! When the snakes are first observed getting ready to shed start spraying the cage lightly with warm water twice a day until the shed. This usually helps. If they are in the middle of a bad shed soak the snake in Luke warm water for at least 20 min every day and gently help pull of the skin, GENTLY!

Bubbles coming from the side of the mouth, respiratory infection.

The only thing you can do at this point is immediately bring the snake to a vet!!!! That is the only thing you can do unless you have a vet nearby.

The eyes looked cracked and dented.

This is from low humidity. Easily fixed if you cover part of the screen top (if there is a screen top) with plastic, spray the cage with warm water daily, make sure there is fresh water daily, and in a few sheds or less the eyes will return to normal. This may not be fatal but you really should fix this problem soon.

Written by: Randilyn Halvorsen

Pictures by: Mark Dwight